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Call for Nominations for 2021 Fleet Manager of the Year
Automotive Fleet magazine is now accepting nominations for the 2021 Edward J. Bobit Professional Fleet Manager of the Year award. Submissions are due by June 1, 2021. The award is sponsored by Wheels Inc. and the Automotive Fleet & Leasing Association...
What’s Ahead for Delivery Fleets in a Post-COVID Market
It’s clear that 2020 was a remarkable year, especially for those in the last-mile industry. As people stayed home to quell the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, they turned to their devices to order and ship everything from essentials like groceries to extras like new...
5 Tips for Growth as a Fleet Manager
As a technician, Mark Garrow, transit/garage manager for the City of Bettendorf, Iowa, appreciated learning about and adapting to new technology. As the years went by and he accrued experience, he felt he could make a bigger impact from a management standpoint. With...